Against the odds
I still watch falling objects
and secretly wish
they stay suspended
in midflight
and imagine dinosaurs
climbing over the mountain range
as I stand watching
in rapt awe
and sheer terror.
Against the odds
I sit at the piano
and hope that my fingers fall
into a beautiful random
and peck at the keyboard
praying for an idea
I haven’t had
a thousand times before.
Against the odds
a tiny flapping bird
takes on the endless sky
trying to make its way home,
as all living things
resist the weight of gravity
and reach ever
higher and higher
to the Sun.
Against the odds
every morning
a former atheist
puts both
the Mogen David
and the Cross
around his neck
and remembers
he is both
an agent for the Christ
and a temple for
his Jewish soul.
Against the odds,
I believe
and love
and persevere.