
Monday, October 03, 2016


Upon rising, faithful like a robot, I make my way to the bathroom, eyes-still mostly shut and open the appropriate partition. I shake the pills loose, a white one for diabetes, a green and white capsule for scalp nerve pain, and a clear, urine-colored vitamin D3. At night, I add Simvastatin to slow the inevitable clogging of my arteries, along with more diabetes and nerve pain meds. I don’t fight this ritual, as it is a small price to pay for staying alive for (perhaps) one more day, one more starry sky, one more orgasm into her perfect, contoured being.

I swallow good pills
hoping they will counteract
the bad I swallowed.


  1. The price we pay to stay alive, I know it well..good luck with it all...

  2. That's a lot of medications but we swallow the good pills for better health and a more active lifestyle ~ Enjoyed this one Mosk ~

  3. Nice closing lines on this haibun

  4. Gayle Walters Rose5:57 PM

    The power of some medications to keep us going is certainly extraordinary. Love that last line.

  5. A reality for many.

  6. perhaps it is a price worth paying.
    i always hated taking medicine but i'd say those starry nights are worth it.

  7. Ah, the regret and repentance in that senyru...touching, and sad.

  8. I really really like that last line of the haiku... We do need those pills.

  9. This is excellent. Your title is so clever.

  10. A depth to this. Much more going on than the words.

  11. This is so poignant.. sending love and prayers ❤️

  12. You really have found the extra in the ordinary! I'm on similar medication: pills for diabetes and statins, plus inhalers for asthma. The routine of pill-taking is a bind and your haiku says it all!

  13. As a diabetic, your poem describes my daily ritual, I must follow, as well. Do hope, you don't advance to the stage of needing insulin.

  14. Concise. There are layers to this which make it intriguing. Counteracting is better than some who do not act at all, further jeopardizing their health.

  15. Hahaha Yup! forgot the B12... as my son says, "Good to see you, rather than you be viewed." :-)

  16. this is a haibun for the modern age, Mosk ~

  17. We chemical our lives into another year. I don't do well with prescription drugs.

  18. A haibun for everyone! Love your ending, B.

  19. Yeah... the bad I swallowed. This is great. You know, sometimes I admonish myself for whatever behavior I (quite irrationally) think caused an aliment. Like, you swallowed the bad and now are paying for it, but you keep on. I get it. Or at least that's what I get from it. It's all worth it for that one more goodness, which is probably undeserved so that much more precious.
