
Sunday, November 13, 2022

The Sign-Off (Day 13: didn't write to prompt)

In a previous media world
before the existence of 
the 24-hour broadcast day,
television represented 
a stable world to me.

I thought 
everything in the world 
shut down 
when the stations 
signed off for the night.

I imagined the lonely
tape operators 
playing the 
canned messages telling everyone 
about the end of broadcast day
and imbued it with a gray 
duty-bound romance.

If I ever stayed up late
to see it,
it was oddly comforting 
to hear the sermonette 
or other words of wisdom,
and them the Star-Spangled Banner 
then came 
the unceremonious 
disorienting signal loss 

and the loss of connection 
to the rest of the world

and my world became unstable
until the 
next broadcast day.

1 comment:

  1. I remember that sound, and the static gray of it, well!
